According to eMarketer, video ad spending in the U.S. will approach $10B in 2016. To help Jetpack clients continue to capitalize on the rising demand for video, we’ve updated our authoring and ad serving environment to be VAST and VPAID compliant.
Now, any video campaign utilizing VAST or VPAID tags can be easily integrated for playback and tracking within any Jetpack unit. Want to create a video wall, header push-down or a converging overlay using an existing video asset? Just embed a VAST or VPAID tag into the creative and the ad will play within any of our popular templates or something custom you (or we) create.
Still getting up to speed on VAST and VPAID? No worries! Here's what you need to know...
The IAB created VAST (Video Ad Serving Template) to ensure a consistent and scalable way to deliver video ads across all types of players. VPAID (Video Player Ad Interface Definition) goes a step further, by establishing a common interface between the video ad server and video player, through which a set of instructions can be handed off to the player allowing it to execute a richer, more interactive user experience. In short, VAST delivers video ads with basic interactions while VPAID allows deeper content experiences to be displayed and recorded while maintaining the basic functionality of an ad.
So whether you’re an agency looking for unique ways to deliver your next video campaign or a publisher with in-stream campaigns you want to feature across more innovative formats, our new VAST and VPAID capabilities create a variety of highly engaging options to consider. Need more ideas for how to put VAST and VPAID tags to work for your next campaign? Give us a call!
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